
Sunday 22 June 2014

Elderflower, Strawberry and Mint

Inspired by the excellent Beach Hut Cook and motivated by a proliferation of produce so much earlier in the year than usual I set to work on making a range of drinks including elderflower gin, raspberry and strawberry vodka and mint cordial.

I have to say I am really not too sure about my version of elderflower gin, it looked delicate and fragrant on day one, brown and unpleasant on day two and after decanting the colour of something you really don't want to drink.  I am sure lashing of sparkling wine will improve things though.

The raspberries have been amazing we pick a kilo every couple of days so there are plenty for freezing, ice cream, and sharing with friends. Steeped in vodka with a little sugar this looks good enough to consume straight away.

Strawberries in vodka are an experiment, great appearance and wonderful fragrance this will make the perfect base for those "Cocktails at Christmas"(see blog of 5 January this year) if it lasts that long of course.

The mint is succulent and plentiful and combined with lime has made a refreshing non alcoholic cordial. A few drops of natural "moss green" food colouring from the favourite Lakeland lifted the colour.


  1. You are too kind! I think perhaps adding lemon juice and more sugar might help? I will try this next year. Our elderflower gin was quite dark once decanted but the good news is it has has become lighter in the bottle since decanting. And yes, it's fantastic mixed with sparkling wine! Warm wishes, Elinor x

  2. I have been working my way through a bottle of cranberry gin since Christmas. Slips down very easily!
